The Last Resort
The Last Resort


The 3D-print plans for the Sarco will be published in due course in the end of life guidebook, The Peaceful Pill eHandbook Essentials.

The lead author of this book is Dr Philip Nitschke PhD MD.

A physicist by training, Philip turned to medicine in his 30s, graduating from Sydney Medical School in 1988.

Dr Nitschke is the inventor of the Sarco.  His co-author is the Australian/Dutch sociologist and lawyer, Dr Fiona Stewart.

Peaceful Pill Handbook

The online Peaceful Pill eHandbook Essentials is updated regularly to provide the latest practical, self-help information on voluntary assisted dying and euthanasia for the elderly, those who are seriously ill & their family/ friends.


Exit International

Exit International is the global, DIY end of life choices organisation that was founded  in 1997 in Darwin Australia, after the world’s first law – The Rights of the Terminally Ill Act – was overturned.


Going to Switzerland

Going to Switzerland: How to Plan your Final Exit is a practical guide to help foreigners plan for an accompanied suicide in. The book is offered as a 24-month subscription with regular updates. No age requirements.
