The Last Resort
The Last Resort

About Us

The Last Resort was founded by a small international collective of human rights advocates (with a law, science, medicine and healthcare background) who want to diversify (and improve) the assisted dying process in Switzerland.

As the team behind the ground-breaking Going to Switzerland guidebook, we set out to create a place of change, for the better.


The Last Resort is the only accompanied suicide service in Switzerland where the 3D-printed Sarco capsule will be used.

The Sarco marks a turning point in the history of death and dying. We fully expect that the Sarco will be integral to the activities of The Last Resort.

Compliant with Swiss law, the Sarco provides an elective, peaceful & reliable death at a time of one’s choosing.

Sarco is a drug-free option with no hidden costs. Indeed, the use of the Sarco at The Last Resort is free to ‘approved users’.*

The Last Resort will be the only place on earth where the Sarco capsule can be in used.

 The Benefits of the Sarco include:

  • FREE
  • Drug-free
  • No risk of vomiting
  • No risk of IV tissuing (blocking)
  • Removes doctors from a role that many feel uncomfortable being involved with as the Sarco does NOT require a doctor (other than for a mental capacity assessment).

Reasons for seeking an accompanied suicide at The Last Resort might include:

  • Advanced old age such as that experienced by the 104-year old British/Australian Professor David Goodall
  • Poly-pathologies of old age as experienced by South African, Laura Henkel
  • Illness – serious, chronic or terminal, to anyone who is face to face with the dying process, be that slow or fast
  • Early dementia – as long as mental capacity is retained

The Last Resort does not assist young people to die, unless they have a serious physical illness (ie. not psychiatric).



The key criteria for lawful assisted dying in Switzerland are:

  • Mental Capacity
  • ‘Tatherrschaft’ – the requirement that the action that brings about death, is performed by the person whose death it will be
  • Those assisting are altruistic in their motives


To learn more about The Last Resort organisation & the Sarco, please check our FAQs.

 Visit the FAQs page